
Showing posts from February, 2011

Love your parents

First, I wanna ask you something. Have you said "I love you" to your parents or even kissed them today? If you haven't, I will tell you something that might will make you aware. Parents, they can be called Mom & Dad, Mama & Papa, or whatever (but you mustn't call them with bad words of course). Did you ever count how much tears they cried when you were born? Did you ever count how much tears they cried when you opposed them? Most of you guys may say NO. Have you realized your parents always put your name in they prays? They always beg to God, "Keep our children away from catastrophe", "make our children near to you", and other prays that they've always prayed for you. I know that I ain't too good to my parents. I'm sometimes annoyed with their over-protective character, but I realize, I realize it's for myself. Every parents in this world won't be willing to have their children hurt, will they? This' ...


Kenapa gue namain post ini 'Bustle'? Karena gue mau cerita kesibukan gue di kelas 9 *eaea*. Ya gitu lah. Itu juga salah satu alasan gue jarang ngepost wkwk. Semenjak gue di kls 9 jd sibuk bgt. PR hampir setiap hari ada, terus cuma dikasih waktu 2 hari buat ngerjain, ya mana sempet lah-_- pulangnya aja jam 4, belom les bahasa inggris dari jam 5-7, setiap selasa-kamis-jumat. FFFFUUUUHHHHHHHHH. Tapi bebannya agak berkurang sih kepala sekolah nya ngurangin jam belajar jadi pulang jam 2 setiap hari senin sama kamis~.~ harusnya tiap hari hahahahahaha. Udah yak bye.