
Showing posts from 2009

Happy birthday YUSUF ANANDA FIKRI!

Hey ppl, You know what? Today is my birthday! Woohoo! Last night, I slept at 12.30 AM. I didn't want passed the unforgettable experience! At 12 AM, I wished. I wished BlackBerry :P and I wished my mom always health :'). The first person that congrats me is Jenny. Hahaha, add her facebook as your friend: Jenny MsCupcake- :P. My wall on facebook is full of "happy birrthday" words! But thanks a lot guys! I had unforgettable experience. And i'll never forget it :')

Day before I enjoy the Holiday!

Hello ppl, This is Saturday, and it's the most favourite day in my life! :D. Today, I just sitting in front of my laptop! My activity: Tweeting, facebooking, blogging, skype-ing, and MSN-ing! Woohoo! Hahaha, do you know? My young brother is in Bandung now with my mom's sister family. :(. And do you know? After he arrive in Jakarta, he will go to my house in Tangerang. And two day after that day :P, he will go to Makassar with my family. You can imagine, so tired, but happy too! Actually, I want to go to Bandung with them. But, I can't tweeting or facebooking or MSN-ing or skype-ing or blogging, because I can't bring my laptop to go with! Hmm, and because my handphone's internet packet quote is almost empty :(. Yeah, poor me. But, I always waiting, i will go to Makassar, and it makes me forget of my brother. And i'll going to tell my plan to go to Makassar...... The plane will board at 5.55 (WIB/ GMT+7), because my house isn't very far from the airport, so we...

Idul Adha 2009

Hey! :) Happy Ied! The Idul Adha in this year is full of fun! Ok, this is my activity at grandma's home Thursday, November 26th 2009 I went to grandma's house in Jakarta. I went there at 4 o'clock and arrive there at 6 o'clock, the time is so long! On that day i was fasting, but Alhamdulillah, I don't feel thirsty or hungry anymore :) I met my brother and cousin. They are attractive! I play with them. I was bed at 10 pm. Friday, November 27th 2009 Happy Ied! I woke up at half past 5 and I took a bath. I wearing my moslem's wear and I waited my brother and cousin. I went to the street (the place that I pray) at half past 6. At 12, my cousin is went to Bandung, so at grandma's home there are only brother, me, grandma, and two maids. But, it isn't bad. I watched TV and played w/ brother. Saturday, November 28th 2009 It isn't bad too, the activity almost like Friday, November 27th 2009 Sunday, November 29th 2009 It's time to prepared my clothes to w...


Hey, Yesterday (Nov 18th, 2009) I just come back from SDN 03 Pondok Ranji (I'm sorry if i made mistake coz i forgot) for LDK. Wow! It's the unforgettable experience in my life! Actually, We (8th and 7th Students) must stayed in the Army Dormitory and stayed for 3 days and 2 nights, but there are some reason so we stayed in SDN 03 Pondok Ranji for 2 days and 1 night. How did we go there? Fantastic! We went there with tronton truck (i don't know what do i say "truk tronton"" in English)at 8 and in the truck there was about 30 students. We arrived at 9.30. Hahaha. The students in that school are very attractive and very kind! The night in that school was a lot of happily! At 11 night we do a "Jurit Malam". "Jurit Malam" is the adventure in the night! Wow, Amazing! We go to the cemetery. Wow, so scary! but so interesting! Hahaha. The next day in the morning, there was a little bit rain. Hmm, the air was so fresh because the school is far of th...

Visitors Other Country

Hello, I just see my FLAG COUNTER and someone from USA and Norway visited me. I'm sorry if i don't use English for my some post. I will increase my English for my blog :). But I have to increase my Indonesian too :). OK, just this, see you

JHS Experience

In JHS, it's first time when I took the Program of Acceleration Class. Actually, I don't comfortable. But, I must enjoy it! I must study hard and I also must make the list of activity for the secure and comfort. In JHS I MUST NEVER PLAY WITH MY NEIGHBOUR! OK, but it's no problem when I play with other and when I'm happy if i don't play In JHS, it's first time when I took the Program of Acceleration Class. Actually, I don't comfortable. But, I must enjoy it! I must study hard and I also must make the list of activity for the secure and comfort. In JHS I MUST NEVER PLAY WITH MY NEIGHBOUR! OK, but it's no problem when I play with other and when I'm happy if i don't play they are two of the favourite plane that I play with them. and i enjoy it, ok, wish me luck on this JHS, SEE YA

Just Doraemon!


Nama Fans Band dan Penyanyi Indonesia

1. Afgan = Afganisme 2. Alexa = Alexis 3. Andra n The Backbone = The Bacboners 4. Anggun = Anggunesia 5. Anima = Animatic 6. Cokelat = Bintang Cokelat 7. Dewa = Baladewa 8. Di3va = Cinta Di3va 9. D’Masiv = Massivers 10. Drive = Drivemaniacs 11. Five Minutes = Fivers 12. Garasi = Anak Garaz 13. Gigi = Gigikita 14. Gita Gutawa = Gita Lovers 15. Hijau Daun = Klorovers 16. Iwan Fals = OI (Orang Indonesia) 17. Jamrud = Jamberss 18. Jikustik = Jikustikan 19. JRock = JRockstar 20. Kahitna = Soulmate Kahitna 21. Kangen Band = teman kangen 22. Kapten = Pasukan Kapten 23. Kerispatih = Mahapatih 24. Kotak = Kerabat Kotak 25. Letto = Plettonic 26. Luna Maya = Lunatic 27. Maia = TTM (Teman-Teman Maia) 28. Marvells = Marvelliant 29. Naif = Naif Fun Club 30. Netral = Netralizer 31. Nidji = Nidji holic 32. Padi = Sobat Padi 33. Peterpan = Sahabat Peterpan 34. Project Pop = Popers 35. Radja = Radjaku 36. Ran = Ranners 37. Samsons = Samsonia 38. Sandra Dewi = Sanders 39. Shaggy Dog = Doggies 40. Superma...

Berantas Alay dari Internet!

Alay (Anak LAYangan), merefer kepada orang-orang yang suka nongkrong di pinggir jalan, terus kalo ngeliat layangan putus dikejar-kejar sama dia. Alay yang sekarang adalah orang-orang dengan ciri utama : norak, kampungan, tulisan jijay. Tentunya bukan si anak layangan, itu cuma kiasan aja. Lagipula bagi awak layangan itu berkonotasi positif, mencerminkan kreativitas dan imajinasi tanpa batas (kecuali bagian ngejar layangan putus yang bukan punya dia). Alay yang awak maksud tuh alay yang suka bikin sakit mata kalo orang lain ngeliat tulisannya. Alay si Anak LebAY. I think u know what I mean. Ciri-ciri alay di internet / facebook (dari berbagai sumber) Ciri pertama : Menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak baik, tidak benar, dan tidak sesuai dengan ejaan yang disempurnakan. Alay tidak memiliki semangat sumpah pemuda butir ketiga. Menganggap bahasa SMS baik untuk dipakai di internet. Berikut klasifikasi dan ciri-ciri tulisan alay: Kikir dalam menulis kata >> Tidak sesuai dengan singk...

Berbahaya Tidur dengan Lampu Menyala

Anak-anak yang tidur dengan lampu menyala beresiko mengidap leukemia. Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa tubuh perlu suasana gelap dalam menghasilkan zat kimia pelawan kanker. Bahkan ketika menyalakan lampu toilet, begadang, bepergian melintas zona waktu, lampu-lampu jalanan dapat menghentikan produksi zat melatonin. Tubuh memerlukan zat kimia untuk mencegah kerusakan DNA dan ketiadaan zat melatonin tersebut akan menghentikan asam lemak menjadi tumor dan mencegah pertumbuhannya. Prof. Russle Reiter dari Texas University yang memimpin penelitian tersebut mengatakan “Sekali Anda tidur dan tidak mematikan lampu selama 1 menit. Otak Anda segera mendeteksi bahwa lampu menyala seharian dan produksi zat melatonin menurun”. Jumlah anak-anak pengidap leukimia naik menjadi dua kali lipat dalam kurun 40 tahun terakhir. Sekitar 500 anak muda dibawah 15 tahun didiagnosa menderita penyakit ini pertahun dan sekitar 100 orang meninggal. Sebuah konferensi tentang anak penderita leukimia diadakan di London me...

Semester I sudah selesai!

Hey! Udah lama nih gak nge-post! Fiuuh, akhirnya semester I selesai juga...cepet banget ya.... Tapi nilainya sedang-sedang aja..Tapi do'ain gw ya biar bisa dapet nilai bagus di semester II ini! Amin

Saya baru bikin blog nih!

Halo semuanya! Salam kenal! Saya Yusuf Ananda Fikri....Boleh dipanggil Yusuf, boleh juga dipanggil Nanda, atau apalah terserah kalian yg penting enak didengar! Hehehe ^_^.... Saya sekarang sekolah di SMP Plus Islamic Village atau yg akrab disapa ISVILL kelas 7 aksel....hehehe waw....saya kira sih,,, bikin blog itu susah...tpi lumayan gampang,,,cuma harus punya banyak ide pas mau posting.....mmm....apalagi ya? Oh, ya! Saya lahir di Jakarta, 22 Desember 1997.... Mau tanya alamat? RAHASIA! Hehehe..... tanya langsung sama saya aja! Kalo mau ke profil account-account saya, klik aja link yang mau diliat sama kalian : Friendster Facebook Twitter Plurk ...... YM sih yusuf_ananda...cuma itu doank yg saya punya..... Bye!